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  • Quartz

    Mnoho mužov sa stretáva s problémami, ktoré ovplyvňujú ich intímny život, a to môže mať vážne dôsledky na ich sebavedomie a vzťahy. Hľadanie riešení, ako napríklad kvalitných liekov, môže byť ich najlepšou voľbou. Ak vezmeme do úvahy, že niektorí pacienti potrebujú aj hormonálnu substitučnú terapiu, môže byť dôležité “kupit synthroid” pre reguláciu hladín hormonov. Pre viac informácií a možnosť objednať si produkty online navštívte ““.

  • Virtually maintenance free, VidaQuartz’s hard, non-porous surfaces are simple to clean and require no sealing to renew. In most cases, soap and water or a mild detergent is enough to keep your VidaQuartz surfaces looking like new. If necessary, you can use a non-abrasive soft soap along with a non-scratch or delicate scrub pad. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove residue.

    Like any other surface, VidaQuartz can be permanently damaged if exposed to strong chemicals and solvents that affect its physical properties.

    Avoid the use of strong chemicals and solvents or highly abrasive cleaning agents such as oven/grill cleaners and dishwasher polishing agents that have high alkaline/pH levels (pH levels higher than 11).  Products containing oils or powders may leave a residue and should be rinsed off thoroughly.  Never clean your VidaQuartz surface with products that contain Trichlorethane or Methylene Chloride, such as paint removers or strippers.

    Should your surface accidentally be exposed to any of these damaging products, rinse immediately with warm water to neutralize the effect.

    VidaQuartz is more heat resistant, durable and hard-wearing than other stone surfaces, including most granites, marble and limestone.  But it does need protection from very high temperatures (above 130°C) or sudden extreme temperature changes.

    Therefore, we suggest that hot pots and pans never be directly placed on the surface. We also recommend a hot pad or trivet be placed under cooking units such as electric frying pans, crock pots.

    • FAQ
    • Care & Maintenance
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    • Quartz

      Mnoho mužov sa stretáva s problémami, ktoré ovplyvňujú ich intímny život, a to môže mať vážne dôsledky na ich sebavedomie a vzťahy. Hľadanie riešení, ako napríklad kvalitných liekov, môže byť ich najlepšou voľbou. Ak vezmeme do úvahy, že niektorí pacienti potrebujú aj hormonálnu substitučnú terapiu, môže byť dôležité “kupit synthroid” pre reguláciu hladín hormonov. Pre viac informácií a možnosť objednať si produkty online navštívte ““.

    • Virtually maintenance free, VidaQuartz’s hard, non-porous surfaces are simple to clean and require no sealing to renew. In most cases, soap and water or a mild detergent is enough to keep your VidaQuartz surfaces looking like new. If necessary, you can use a non-abrasive soft soap along with a non-scratch or delicate scrub pad. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove residue.

      Like any other surface, VidaQuartz can be permanently damaged if exposed to strong chemicals and solvents that affect its physical properties.

      Avoid the use of strong chemicals and solvents or highly abrasive cleaning agents such as oven/grill cleaners and dishwasher polishing agents that have high alkaline/pH levels (pH levels higher than 11).  Products containing oils or powders may leave a residue and should be rinsed off thoroughly.  Never clean your VidaQuartz surface with products that contain Trichlorethane or Methylene Chloride, such as paint removers or strippers.

      Should your surface accidentally be exposed to any of these damaging products, rinse immediately with warm water to neutralize the effect.

      VidaQuartz is more heat resistant, durable and hard-wearing than other stone surfaces, including most granites, marble and limestone.  But it does need protection from very high temperatures (above 130°C) or sudden extreme temperature changes.

      Therefore, we suggest that hot pots and pans never be directly placed on the surface. We also recommend a hot pad or trivet be placed under cooking units such as electric frying pans, crock pots.